Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Do Not Read This Book

Trust me. Just don’t.


Speaking of resistence, don’t read this one, either.

I found both of them to be highly disappointing.


Okay, you’re waiting for me to say something like, “Don’t read them! You’ll be addicted!” or, “They’re like a disease, and soon you’ll be infected!”

Well, I’m not.

I’m just trying to warn my fellow booklovers that some of the Young Adult Fantasy novels really aren’t worth your time.

I mean, the characters are stupid, unbelievable.

Cinda destroyed what was potentially the biggest theme in her series in her first book, so forget about learning something.

Also, if you want to read about a probably fascinating fantasy world of the Weir, you’ll be disappointed. It’s all the politics, none of the fantasy.

So tell me. Why am I going down to the library tomorrow to check out the third?

For those of you unfamiliar with the art of book-reading–more like book-lusting–It’s called Protocol. And it is the most horrible, most malodorous law ever conceived by the human mind. Do you know why? Because it makes busy teenagers such as myself drop everything and read 499 pages of complete bogus, simply because I can’t stand the idea of not finishing something.


(The one exception is Sabriel, which is even worse than The Warrior Heir in the who-the-heck-published-this regard. Protocol doesn’t dare force me to read the remainder of that Trilogy. Even it has some sense.)

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