Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 6

Day 6: Fifteen facts about you

1. I am a musician. I play piano, alto and soprano saxophones, clarinet, and a little bit of flute. I wish I knew how to play the cello.
2. I love to read. I recently finished Pathfinder, by Orson Scott Card, and loved it. Anything by Brandon Sanderson is gold, and Brandon Mull is amazing as well. Some other favorites are in the sidebar if you're looking for a good read!
3. I love to compose. Music, words, ideas, whatever. I'll sit down at the piano and play around with a melody or progression forever; similarly, I'll develop an idea by speaking it out loud again and again. Some might call that daydreaming.
4. Being busy makes me feel important and productive. Even though I get stressed when I have too much to do, I'd take the stress over the boredom ANY DAY. After all, to do is to be.
5. I like onions. A lot. But not if they're plain...
6. I plan on attending BYU full-ride and graduating cum laude. Unless an angel appears in my room and instructs me to do otherwise.
7. I want to go on a mission. Places I'd love to go: Spain, Germany, Japan.
8. I wish I knew how to write. More on that later.
9. I recently won an Outstanding Soloist award from the Peaks Jazz Festival.
10. Learning of the history of science and psychology is a passion of mine.
11. I entered Reflections this year in music composition, and my entry is currently being judged at the State level.
12. I wear size 6 1/2 shoes.
13. I am adopted, and secretly believe that my birthmother and I were friends in heaven. How else could she love me so much to give me to the family I was meant to be with?
14. I work best at night, but I also procrastinate most at night. A compromising set of traits for homework.
15. I have an alter-ego. See: Girls Camp, Young Womens, Band Tour, etc.


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