Friday, August 13, 2010

Breaking News: Fablehaven De-bunked

Alright, so far 13 percent of my blog posts have been about books. I don't know if that percentage is too high or too low for any of my (two, potential) readers (I love you both) but frankly, I really don't care (...and there go the readers. Not what you wanted to hear, eh?). Because I have something to say. And I intend to shout it from the rooftops.

I repeat: this is Breaking News.

Fablehaven is no longer my favorite fantasy series.

...say what?

I think I need to repeat that.

Fablehaven, long-thought best-ever fantasy series in the history of fantasy, has been de-bunked. De-moted. De-favoritized. Gone. Failed. End of story.

. . .

Poor, poor Fablehaven. I pity Kendra and Seth, and whoever else was in there, because really there was no contest. Brandon Mull couldn't stand a chance!

I admit, the fanatics were fun while they lasted. The adventures were mildly entertaining as well. I guess I could relate to the characters... at the time. Somewhat. A little. So here's to Brandon Mull, and the Fablehaven Series: It was fun while it lasted. Now, farewell.

And, BOY do I have a SERIES FOR YOU!!!

Enough with the eulogies, here's what's going with fantasy NOW.

The Bartimaeus Trilogy

Brilliant, right? ...Oh, you didn't catch that? Hang on a sec.

The Bartimaeus Trilogy

Better? Yes, yes yes? Okay, well maybe some more wouldn't hurt.

The Bartimaeus Trilogy!!!!!!!

Is the most amazing, most brilliant, most fantastical, wonderful, stupendous, ________ (insert similar adjective of your choice here) trilogy EVER WRITTEN.


Let's have a moment for Jonathan Stroud's brilliance...

. . .

Wow (breathed with an aire of awe and majesty).

Rock on Bartimaeus. Welcome to the ultimate Brittney Hall of Fame. You are now my favorite series, and probably will be... oh, forever. ;)

Any questions?

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