Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sketchy Business

I think that so far my summer has been fruitful. I’ve enjoyed a nice June, having been busy as ever and thouroughly enjoying it. But now that we’ve reached July, I’m excited that my schedule has been wiped clean, with minimal obligations. I look forward to do nothing for the rest of the summer. And doing nothing is something I’m good at.

So, now that I finally have some free time I thought I’d start working on my movie and reading lists, as well as some writing things I could do. I really want to become a better writer, especially in the creative aisle, and what better time than this to do it? I think the biggest challenge I have as a writer is that I overthink things. I spend hours and hours brainstorming, prewriting, putting bits and pieces onto paper, yadda yadda yadda. A finished product is not a common thing among my brain-children. This is especially painful when it comes to writing that isn’t related to an assignment or prompt of some sort. I have style when it comes to writing, not ideas, which is why I’d be a much better editor than a writer. Plus it’s more fun. But whatever.

One thing I plan to do is a character sketch, developing an original character in one scene, event, or short story that exposes part of his overall character. Like a snapshot, but more of a sketch. I’m thinking the name Rufus, it has a plucky ring to it. Maybe involve some mad science, maybe some chickens. But maybe not. We’ll have to see.

Also, I finished composing a piano piece today. Who knows if it’ll ever make it onto paper–finale or by hand. I have an idea of what I want to call it, but nothing I come up with seems to fit, save one word. And that word isn’t the greatest stand-alone title, so who knows. Maybe I’ll enter it into reflections for next year. Of course, I’ll have to tie it into the theme… But I’ve gotta admit, it’s a million times better than the last piece I wrote. AND it’s actually finished. Party.
Off to do some character sketching. And yes, it involves chickens.

Post-Edit: I finished the character sketch. And in such a short time, too! I was surprised at how it turned out, but then again, it might be weird/hard to understand from the viewpoint of someone other than the writer–I wrote only in dialogue. Here it is!

The Invasion

“Ah, Doctor, I was expecting your call.”

“Now, Jefferson, I just wanted to—oh yes, yes. I made it very clear what time I was to call you, that’s right. Perfect, as always. No one will suspect a two-o-clock phone call, will they? Very good planning on my part, very good… Now, see if I were to call at a more suspicious time, let’s say, seven o clock–”

“Ahem. Doctor?”

“—we’d have the cops right mad, we would! My, they’d be running the streets, on the lookout for tall, mysterious figures such as myself—“

“Doctor? Doctor!”

“—even if I wore goggles, like some of my less-acclaimed colleagues who think they can blend it, they’d still suspect, at that time of day! This is sheer madness. Madness, I say! This world is coming to a head, and I intend very well to be a part of that same—“

“Doctor Rufus, please.”


“I don’t have time for this.”

“Ahem. Sorry—what?”

“Doctor, everything is in order for the plans this afternoon. The intoxications are ready, and so are the patients. Do we have your clear? Yes or no? Doctor?”

“Well, let’s see here, Jefferson, were the intoxications prepared?”

“That’s what I said.”

“The correct dosage?”

“Perfectly imperfect.”

“Are the specimens ready?”


“Are you sure?”

“Down to the last chicken.”

“Oh, good, good… well, in that case, I will respectfully give you my–wait, what? Chickens?”

“Yes, sir, All are present and accounted for. Now, if you could please sign that leave of clearance, we could get on with the invasion so—“

“Invasion? I’ll have nothing of the sort! No, no! Chickens? Chickens! I thought I told you we were to use cats!”

“But sir, in your directions, you plainly said—“

“Cats! We were to use cats! Can you imagine if we were to use chickens? To think! Nine hundred ninety nine crazed chickens running loose on the streets of London, wreaking havoc more deadly, more horrific than I had ever dreamed? Why, it’s unspeakable! They must be cats! Much less dangerous, much less effective. Much, much better.”

“But Dr. Rufus, sir, isn’t that what you want? An invasion such as London has never seen? To create the largest, most epic crisis this world has yet to face?”

“Yes, exactly! A crisis, not the end of the world!”

“But in my mind, sir, chickens are a lot less…”

“What’s that you say? My hearing’s failing me. Come again?”

“The chickens, sir. Do we have your clear or not?”

“Absolutely not! Wait…what? I’m sorry, what was it we were talking about, again?”

“The invasion, sir? Of London? Is it a go?”

“Oh yes, yes, of course. Why wouldn’t it be? Continue with the procedure. I shall watch the invasion from my office on the corner of 21st and Carnaby.”

“The telephone booth, sir?”

“Where else?”

“And they say the old man was mad…”

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