Wednesday, August 4, 2010


(shhh! I grabbed this image from the web. don't tell!)

Who put together the scrabble game boards shown on the game box?

Okay. So the sky is blue. But why isn’t it red?

If I left earth for deep space and came back a million years later, would earth still speak the same languages?

Why is it custom for girls to have long hair and boys to have short hair, and not the other way around?

Is there such thing as “luck”?

How did the colors (red, blue, green) get their names?

Is everyone’s color perception the same (Is my red the same red as yours)?

On other worlds like earth, how does the technology compare?

Are there different types of technology for the same purpose?

Why do we call our solar system the “Milky Way”, and who had the priviledge of naming it?

Why are silver and gold so precious? What would the world be like if aluminum was a precious metal?

Will we ever have flying cars?

Why did the Mayans stop their calendar in 2012? Did they think they would survive until at least that long, and they planned to do more later?

Why are there twelve musical notes? Why not thirteen, or twenty-four?

In heaven, will there be more notes?! Like there will be more colors?!!

What will fashions be like in ten years? Will I scoff at what I wore, because I think my clothes are cute.

Why do some people see an old lady with a big nose and other people see a young girl with a scarf?

Wait. I just thought of something. My red IS the same as your red because my middle C is the same as your middle C, and therefore our brains must process color the same way it processes musical tones. Scratch that previous question.

How much effect does genetics have on the development of personality? Of talents and abilities?

Who invented the rubber band?

What determines likes and dislikes? Because my tomato tastes the same as your tomato, but I hate mine.

Do different people’s brains require more or less serotonin than others? Or is their plucky chattiness purely personality-based?

What causes some people to have more than 4 wisdom teeth?

Why is oxygen toxic? If it’s so toxic, why do we need it? What happens if we are overexposed to oxygen? ...wait, nevermind I just Googled that. Pretty cool.

Why was the Titanic made with steel high in sulfur? Who was the idiot to make that decision?

What’s so special about 768 miles per hour as the speed of sound at sea level? Why isn’t the speed of sound 769 mph at sea level?

Why isn’t it possible to comprehend celestial topics like the no-beginning-no-end thing in a mortal mind?

Is Physics legit? Or does Heaven use another system (priesthood)?

If I weren’t adopted, what would my life be like?

Who came up with the standard measurement of time?

What is the grammar in character-based languages (like Japanese) like?

Whose idea was it to standardize the English language?

Why were computers invented, if at first they took more time to build than they saved by their calculations?

How are calculators calibrated to work properly?

How long is this post going to be?

How many questions do I have?

How many readers did I bore?

Will I ever find out the answers?

Who invented the question?

Who taught me how to ask questions?

Why are questions the first languistic elements one learns to use?

When am I ever going to stop?

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