Thursday, March 31, 2011

Right Now 4/1 10:11 p.m.

I feel enlightened.

I've had an amazing evening of personal revelation and bonding.

It began with a phone call, and having a conversation with my best friend. We talked about a lot of things, but mainly of our friends. It made me think, it helped me connect better certain ideas with standards and my life.

Then I talked with my mom about one of the things I learned from the phone conversation. She taught me something else, too. Something she said made me reconsider a thought I've had a few times before. I explored that thought all through Octet practice, and I came to a realization and a decision.

I have influence. I didn't realize this to its full effect until tonight, and what I did recognize I had used for my daydreaming and wistful thinking purposes. Tonight I decided to use my influence for good, and a positive example. I transformed my good intentions to commitments I know I will keep.

Right now I am peaceful, and I attribute that to prayer.

Sometimes it's good to stay on your knees for a while without anything particular to say. I know Heavenly Father knows what I'm feeling and thinking, and He understands perfectly. Kneeling there I can just soak up the peace and contentment and joy of having everything worked out. Prayer cleanses the mind. Tonight was another great experience where I begin a prayer, intending to have a long conversation about everything on my mind, but finding soon after beginning that all that needs to be said has already been expressed through a prayer of the heart. I feel like Heavenly Father can, with a snap of his finger, organize my thoughts from disorder to peace and order and a feeling of rightness. It's what I wrote on my rock at EFY: I can share the burden of my thoughts with the Savior, and he knows just what to do with them. I am so grateful for that blessing!

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