Friday, March 25, 2011


Day 15: A photo of you and your family

I would post my Chapter 3 Project Me as well, except that my P.M. essays are terrible. Here are my thoughts on the subject.

1. Brianna is four years younger than me, and four inches taller. We look absolutely nothing alike, although that’s what amazes me about my family; even though we’re different on the outside, people can sense that we’re family. We’ve never been taken for anything other than sisters.

2. There’s me, the eldest of five children and somewhat of a “mother duck” to my younger siblings.

3. I recall countless times where Brayden has approached me and given me a great big hug, saying, “Ditty, I love you. You’re the best sister in the whole wide world!”

4. Brayden is my most sensitive sibling, and probably the most sensitive child in the world. He has big, beautiful brown eyes that melt your heart, and dark, olive skin with dark, coarse hair. He has a heart bigger than you’d think. He genuinely cares for other people, and all he wants to do is be around others. I don’t think he’s ever been alone for more than five minutes his whole life. He spends twelve hours a day playing with friends, and the rest of the time at home he’s asking me constantly, “Brittney, will you play a game with me?”

5. Brevin is a sweet spirit. He’s the youngest, and maybe it’s too soon to tell but I think his personality is a lot like mine. He doesn’t conform to anyone’s rules, even those unwritten by normal childhood behavior. He sleeps whenever he feels like. He eats whenever he wants to (usually never). And he is well-behaved only if it suits him. One thing I’m starting to notice is that he’s like me, in that he is a dreamer. I find him talking to his imaginary friends while he plays outside alone. I find him pacing, dancing to his own rhythm. He goes through stages of hobbies, as I do. Despite not sharing a single genome, he has inherited that unique part of my personality.

6. We’ve gone through six or seven kittens, although one member is permanent: Tarzan, the family cat. We didn’t mean to keep him, he was actually a present for my Grandpa Hallows for fathers day some eight years back. After my grandpa utterly refused to take him, we were stuck.

7. One of the shared characteristics between us is that we’re seasonally obsessive, meaning each individual tends to be really into a few things at a time, then moves on. For me, I trade hobbies. For a couple weeks it will be reading—I’ll go through several novels, or maybe a series in a short period of time, and then the next week I’ll have moved on to something different, like piano improv or something.

8. Bradley is the sports fanatic of the family. He learned to do math from watching ESPN tally the scores. When he watches sports, he'll get five inches from the T.V. and jump around in excitement. Brad is also the spiritual child. He learned to read from reading the book of mormon, he takes his church responsibilities seriously. He hasn't yet turned twelve, but he is already completing his Aaronic Priesthood duties. I look up to my little bro.

I love my family. When I finish the real project, I'll post it all, promise. Then you can read my potentially-deep-and-philosophical-thoughts on family. For now, enjoy the picture and the scrambled thoughts. :)

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