Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 11

What's in your makeup bag?

Um. Well. That's awkward.

*** INSTEAD ***

. . . is my favorite book right now. Or... subject matter.

Here's the spiel:

I am a characterized blue-white, almost exact.
My mom is a healthy blue with white.
My sister's best friend is pure, healthy yellow.
My sister is a slightly-sick charactered red-white.
One of my best friends is a healthy blue-yellow split exact.
The other is a characterized yellow with strong blue.
My uncle is a pure red.
My brother is a purist, and blue-white.
My younger brother is a healthy blue-yellow.
My youngest brother is yellow.
My dad is a healthy red-blue.
I could go on for a while...
Basically. I'm obsessed. Like, a LOT. I love love love defining personality, especially when someone has already done the hard stuff for me (thanks Taylor Hartman, Ph. D!!). Using HIS system I can fairly accurately define most people around me, and I love doing it because it helps me understand them better.
For example, last night my sister and I stayed up till 1:30 talking, and while we were doing so, I realized that she was a red-white. This explained everything!! All of a sudden the way she acted, which formery seemed so alien and impractical now makes perfect sense. Not justification, just explanation.

One thing about it, though: it isn't entirely accurate. For instance, Hartman insists that you can only have ONE dominant personality motive. I don't think that's true, because the choices are: power, intimacy, peace, and fun. I'm not really any of them. My motives, needs, and wants are all over his table. Behaviorally I am exact blue-white. My motives morally are blue. My motives socially are white-red. My motives relationship-wise are blue-white. At girls' camp, I am a pure yellow. At home, I'm usually yellow-white-blue-red (in that order). At school I am white, but sometimes red or yellow. With friends I am blue-yellow-red. With people I don't know very well I am white. Basically, I am ALL OVER THE PLACE.

But that doesn't diminish my wonder for The Color Code. I think it's brilliant, not too complex, and very fun to do.

Not that any of you care. Actually, I don't know why I wrote all this. It was for me, but whatever. Revised Day 11: Something you're obsessed with.

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