Sunday, February 5, 2012

The "Kissy Face"

You know the one--that pose everybody has a picture of on their facebook, my space, instagram, twitter, etc.? Probably the most obnoxious, unattractive, photo cliche ever thought of by teenage girls (and some guys, in special cases). It goes something like this:

1. Pucker up
2. Make a peace sign with your fingers
3. (optional, but recommended) Take the picture in front of a mirror in such a way that you can see you, your kissy face, AND the camera

Can you picture it? Yeah, me too. Did you cringe a little bit? Good.

Just so we're clear... I will NEVER, ever, take a kissy face photo. I will never even MAKE the kissy face, and that's a promise to you. No, not just because of the cliche, not just because guys hate it and normal girls think it's weird. I will never make the kissy face because kissy looks bad on me. Seriously, whenever I pucker up, my whole chin and surrounding muscles crinkle, and it casts a shadow on my upper lip to make me look like a have a lady stache. Not cute. :P

Moral of the story? No one should have to witness the kissy face. Besides, there's a reason you're s'posed to close your eyes when you kiss.

Just saying. ;)

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