Saturday, April 14, 2012

Right Now 4/14 2:32 p.m.

I don't even know where to start!

Life is crazy, and a lot of things are changing, and lately, I've been feeling a little a LOT overwhelmed. It's just...

Well, High School is finally, almost over--but that's they keyword. ALMOST. I still have most of term 4 left, and I'm afraid I haven't exactly been enduring to the end. I am SO done learning, I've given up on stats, I'm shipping all my homework to Africa, and I refuse to read or put forth any more effort than absolutely necessary. This attitude has taken over my school life as of last month, and I know it's scary, but I {almost} got my first A- last term, and last week I was hours away from not even meeting graduation requirements... Yep, my Senioritis is BAD. Can anyone relate??

But! that changes today. I am doing away with Senioritis. I am coming back to school, for REALS, once Spring Break is over. Really, I promise. :) Give me a week or so and I'll back at it, ripping through coursework and showing myself up every day, just like I used to before everything went all... CRAZY on me.
 I think my new life's ambition can be summed up in this brilliant Pin:

Oh baby, oh baby, just a month and a half more. I CAN DO IT!!! :D

In other news, I've decided to go back to Young Womens. :) Really, Relief Society is wonderful, it truly is, but I think I belong with the Young Women for a little bit longer. It's going to take a lot of courage, but that's what I've decided to do. You can hold me to that.

Also, I'm writing another song! I started transcribing it this week, and hopefully I'll be able to tweak it and finish it sometime soon. I'm in the middle of the piece without an idea of where to go next, but perhaps I'll get some inspiration soon.

Well, I could go on and on about the random details of my life I feel like sharing right now. Like how I am obsessed with Pinterest and that I recently got some WONDERFUL scholarship news. Like how my new favorite color is teal and that Spring is my favorite season even though I am allergic to it sometimes. How I have some really good friends, that the temple is the BEST, and that people change way too quickly for me to even have a HOPE of keeping up. I really could just keep talking forever. But, I'll spare you the life story and wait for another time. :) Now is now, after all, and right now I've got to go do some AP Chemistry homework.

See, I'm already living up to my promise! :)
Hahaha see you around.

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