Monday, October 3, 2011

How it Goes

Life has been crazy. In a good way, I think. At least I hope. :) General Conference was this past weekend, and it was fantastic. I loved the talks, and I'm really excited about the new temple in Provo. I heard some great things--things that inspired me, things that uplifted me, things I need to work on, things I'm currently doing well on, things that make me think, all sorts of things. It was wonderful and I'm thankful for that opportunity. :)

Aside from that, school has been insane. Took an AP Chem test today, hope I do okay... :) haha. I don't know. :)

So... My week last week was really, really hard. I'll spare you the details, but basically there was a lot of drama, and it was hard to absorb. BUT, in an optimistic point of view, I'm not sad anymore. :) I LOVE MY LIFE!!! :D And I'm still shocked at how that all worked out, but let me just say this:



Seriously. Cambry has dealt with my cry moments ALL week and has been so patient, and then on Saturday (the worst day by far), she called me after conference and asked if I needed a pick-me-up. :) It was SO good, SO fun, and incredibly and amazingly therapeutic. Cambry and Scott took me to get ice cream, and then took me to a park to talk and cry and stuff. They both had words of advice, and though it wasn't a specific thing that was said, I felt a lot better. I just needed to acknowledge the pain to someone outside my family, and I'm so glad Cambry and Scott were there for me. As we were leaving the park, Cambry said, "Brittney, don't cry anymore," and I think I took that to heart, specially delivered from my brain. :) It was almost a cure-all.

After Scott had to go to priesthood session, I adopted myself into Cambry's family. I joined her and her mom for dinner, and then went with them to IKEA (new favorite store, seriously) to eat amazing chocolate cake. Seriously, Girls night + chocolate = therapy!! :)I had such a good time. :D

And honestly, I don't know how that worked out so well. I think Heavenly Father had a LOT to do with it, and I am so thankful to Him for helping me through this. I am also so thankful for Cambry, and my mom, and Scott, and Cambry's family, and everyone else who's been there to support me. It means a lot to be loved and supported, and I hope that I can learn from this and do the same for them. :) Life is good. Fantastic, actually. :D

And, well, that's all I've got to say!

Life is good. And it's so much better when you're looking UP. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad we helped! I honestly left feeling like I did nothing for you, so seeing this really cheered me up! Also, I think I'm going to adopt your look up thing. I like it! :)
