Saturday, July 9, 2011



Things you should know about me, if you didn't infer from the last post or from my lack of posts like it, EVER on this blog... I am a terrible camera owner. I am also a terrible cell phone owner, but I got a lot better all of a sudden. :) I don't use my ipod much, either, but it does find more use than either of those two. Back to cameras.

I didn't take many pictures at EFY. Sad day, right? :( Well, I was GOING to take pictures of everyone on Friday (our goodbye day) but unfortunately my friend dropped my camera, busted the lens, and now I have no camera. :'( *sniff*

Anyway. What I was trying to say is sorry for the lack of pictures. I'll try to steal some from my EFY facebook friends, but we'll see. You know.


SO.... EFY!! :)

I was moderately excited to go. I was hesitant to leave my friends for an entire week, but at least I was with my best friend Sabrina all week! We were roommates, which was very fun. I also went with my cousins Brandon and Nicole, but they weren't in my company so I only got to see them at dances and occasionally the classes.

On Monday, "orientation day," we did fun things like goal setting, FHE activities, and a session fireside. We met our company, a group of 20-something boys and girls that becomes our family at EFY. My company was BIG, with 16 girls and 12 guys. We had a hard time bonding due to the contention between our counselors. It mostly came down to prejudice, but by the end of the week it was an issue of pride. For me and Sabrina the problem was resolved on Thursday, which made things a lot better for the last two days. :)

Anyway, our company name was "They Shall Hunt." Weird, but whatever. ;) I made some neat people, like Landon, Adrian, Jacob, Janessa, and Aly. Also I had some great spiritual experiences. At EFY you go to eight classes total, which are basically AP Seminary classes. I love them so much, they're my favorite part of EFY. Also, we had two dances, one on Tuesday (which got rained on, rainbow-ed on, then lightning-and-thundered on. It was sweet!), and the other on Friday. Wednesday was game night, which wasn't too exciting, and later pizza night. Thursday is often considered the "spiritual day" because you wear Sunday dress, go to YM/YW activities, and then have firesides and testimony meeting. It was neat to hear from the people in my company, many have strong testimonies I admire. I enjoyed Thursday. I also enjoyed Friday, but really, I was ready to leave when I arrived on Monday.

I am a brat, I know. I was counting down the days just a little bit. It was hard to shift my focus away from my friends at home and on to the people surrounding me at EFY, but I made it work. ;) My testimony was definitely strengthened from going, I had some great times, and I'm glad my last year at EFY turned out all right! :D

Oh, and we had a wonderful session director. On Thursday during our morning fireside with just the young women, he showed us this:

Haha I love this so much.

I like my whole house, too. I'm glad to be back... :D

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