Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Name Without a Meaning

Day 20: The meaning behind your blog name

The Journals of a Dreamer, formerly P e r s p e c t i v e, is nothing particularly special. I'm not sure what I was imagining when I thought up either name; likely something overly-romantic and highly-idealistic. A collection of deep essays and musings, thought-provoking insights. Something like that. (But therein lies the problem with ideals: there is a line between an ideal and a reality.)

{Now, it is a fine line, and I believe it is possible to build a bridge between the two. It requires a lot of skill and dedication, and sometimes courage, but it is possible. Many have made it work, to create the envisioned product . Only once have I been able to come close to that, and it was with a musical composition. Writing is harder, it involves a moral or ethical science. Some days I just don't have the time, or the ideas, or the focus to write.}

Unlimited creativity can be the greatest limit. Limited creativity can be the greatest outlet.

Originally I created the blog to replace my writers' notebook, a place to voice thoughts or write about things that wouldn't qualify for THE journal. The blog has succeeded the writers' notebook in many respects. It is definitely a way to express more idealistic thoughts or musings, a way to write about the trivial things or to express in code, without explanation, some of the thoughts buzzing around my head.

It is also just for fun (I told you it was nothing special). This Daily Blog Challenge--I don't know why I'm doing it. It's just kind of cute. Edited photos--well, I have to share them with someone! Those Right Now posts were a big step for me, but some of the goethe posts commit a retrogression, of sorts.

As for the name, The Journals of a Dreamer, it is pretty self-explanatory. If anyone has ever seen me pacing or staring into space or talking to myself, well... I'm dreaming. The journals of a dreamer, the thoughts of a dreamer, the photos of a dreamer, the favorite foods of a dreamer... yeah, that's my blog. My writers' notebook. It means different things on different days.

Today it serves its purpose. Somehow in the last week I've been able to remove, for a time, the mental block that disallows me to freely express my thoughts in writing. Hopefully that trend will keep going, I can sort through that cluttered space in my mind, and I will translate this electronic stagnation to some sort of reality.

But that's the problem with ideals. I think I've mentioned that.

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