Friday, April 29, 2011

Chapter One

A Girl With the Name of Brittney

In a hotel room the night I was born, my parents knelt in prayer for their newborn adopted baby. They prayed for my protection, for the chance at living a virtuous life, for everything they could think of to give me as a blessing. Despite not having agreed on name, my parents each blessed “Brittney” as if it were the most natural thing in the world. If an angel had touched their thoughts, granting them the name of their first-born daughter, then I would ask for no other explanation.

Here’s an idea: In a name lies a person. You, or me, or him, or her. A living, breathing soul with a living, breathing name. What’s in a name? goes the famous phrase, but here Juliet goes wrong, in that by any other name, a person would not be himself. A name reflects you, represents you, becomes you. You are the name, and I am Brittney. My very character forms the gentle curve of the letters, my personality adds the font. What I do and create is somehow attached to those eight letters. Though another rose could smell sweeter, no other name could accurately represent the person I am, have been, and will become.

And who am I?

I will tell you this.

My full name is Brittney Theurer. I am seventeen years old, and among other things I consider myself a musician, a scholar, and a unique voice in the world. I am 5’4”, petite, and have light blue eyes and golden-blonde hair that changes in the sun. As a daughter of a Heavenly King, I am filled with light and truth and have unique qualities and abilities that define me. I doubt I’ll discover in this life all the things I am and could be, for I am many things all at once.

I am a musician. Music is the core of my existence, and naturally a big part of my life. I play the piano, the alto and soprano saxophones, the clarinet, and a little bit of flute. I have always been musically inclined, and from the moment I begged for piano lessons I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of music and success. I love being a part of the school Jazz Band and Wind Symphony, and I have had so many wonderful opportunities to share my talents with others both within the Orem High Band program and also in the community. Aside from playing lead alto in jazz band, first chair clarinet in band, and alto in a jazz octet, I am currently teaching piano lessons to several kids in the ward and serving as the ward choir accompanist. I love being busy playing and helping out. Festivals, lessons, concerts, anything and everything. Music is something I want, and plan to do for the rest of my life.

I am also a student. School is important to me, or rather, knowledge. The feeling of knowing something, of stating truth, it is the best feeling in the world. Ever since I was little I’ve honed a deep curiosity about the world around me, and I continue to seek for the knowledge I desire. I enjoy taking honors and AP classes for this reason, and I’ve had a lot of success in all academic subjects. I keep a 4.0 G.P.A., plan to graduate top of the class, and hold the respect of my teachers and peers. I place real value on my education, not only because the prophet has told me to, but because I find real applicability in the things I learn.

See, I am a connection-seeker. I have a knack for understanding situations, ideas, and especially people. I like to think. And dream. And ponder about little things, big things. You’ll often find me wandering about my house, talking out loud to myself to daydream or to develop an idea. I am consistently absorbed with one thing or another, and I am entirely convinced that when I reach the celestial kingdom, I am going to look back on the thoughts and ideas I had, and laugh. I take myself far too seriously, but at least that is a human trait. As spiritual children, all of us, we react to the things we know as a child reacts to color and language. Everything is exciting and amazing and wonderful in our eyes simply because things are. To pretend they’re not is to miss out on life, and I would much rather be a happy person than an unhappy one.

Personality-wise, I am simply me. I’m not quite sure how to describe myself without tossing a pile of adjectives on the floor, so forgive me if I’m too messy. Here it goes: On the outside, I wear a reflective and comfortable side. I am receptive, graceful, responsible, and steadfast. People who don’t know me very well say I’m quiet, and I guess that has some truth to it. Most of the time, however, I am lively and witty, ambitious, and upbeat. I am a natural leader, confident, competitive, and responsible. People look up to me for my talents and my good spirit, but I am always trying to be better. I was born to be a woman of “dignity, grace, and beauty” and those three words gain more meaning to me every day. On the whole you could say I am unique and authentic. I am comfortable with who I am, and even though that person is changing, it is for good.

I hope to accomplish many things in my life, and my goals define me as much as anything. I’ll start small. Today, the 29th of April, my goal is to play my piano concerto at the festival after school. Next week my goal is to do well on my solo/ensemble and pass my AP tests. Next month I hope to practice, decide on which extra-curriculars I want to do, and have fun with the end of the semester. Moving into long-term goals, in a year, I want to earn my full-ride scholarship to BYU and be ready to attend college. I’ll take life as it comes at that point, but my biggest goals I will always keep in mind: I will always be worthy of a temple recommend and live my standards. I plan to marry in the temple to a return missionary, raise a family in love and righteousness, and endure to the end. I hope to continually fill my life with the light and truth of the gospel and live the life I was meant to live.

In fact, I think that in the hotel room seventeen years ago, when my parents blessed me with my name, they also blessed me with my life. It is the one I live and hope to live now and in the coming years. I suppose all these things, all these “words,” describe me, but who am I really? Whose life am I living?

I will tell you this again.

I am the girl with the name of Brittney. My life is full of music and learning and grace and light. I am many things all at once, but a few things one at a time. I am a musician. An intellect. A voice. A soul. Of all there is to tell, I am simply me. Brittney. And this is my story.

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