Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Girl With The Name of Brittney

That is what I decided I will call the first chapter of Project Me.

Have I explained this yet? Probably not.

Project Me is the main assignment I have to do for Honors English 11. It is an autobiography, and we've written a chapter for class every few weeks this entire year. I haven't had a great attitude about her approach to writing it so far, but I am very excited for the finished product.

Not that I am anywhere NEAR finished... Because my teacher gave us one period to write each chapter, naturally it left me staring at a blank computer screen the night before it's due. And fact: I no longer consider our "rough drafts" rough. More like barfing words on paper. Gross!

See, essays need to be crafted. The best ones are conceived over a long period of time, and written in several sittings with enough space in between to be able to breathe.

Fact: One night is NOT sufficient time for "crafting." Most of my project me chapters are terrible. Half of them aren't even finished--the moment I hit the length requirement, I stop mid-sentence and hand them in. I basically say whatever and not even try. Which is a problem, because it means I have a LOT of work to do over the next few weeks. Rewrite rewrite rewrite rewrite rewrite. And rewrite.

And rewrite.


Day 22: Something you're currently working on

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