Monday, July 16, 2012

The LEGIT Bucket List

Fact: I am a list person.
Seriously, I'll make a list for everything. And that goes beyond groceries and to-do lists. Sometimes I even venture so far as to post a kissing bucket list on a semi-public blog. That incident leads to....

Further fact: If you want people to think you're normal, don't announce your first kiss in the form of a bucket list, thereby implying that all you want to do with the rest of your life is kiss people in crazy and sometimes unromantic ways. Not the brightest idea.

But, lucky for ME, all that happened a few months ago. And after enduring all those, "wow, THAT wasn't obvious," and "sssuuuubbbtttllleee, Britt" comments, I decided I would someday redeem myself by posting my for-reals bucket list. Just to prove I'm not running around kissing all day (or at all, actually. Thank goodness for that!).

So, as promised (to myself) here's my original, legitimate bucket list. The reason it's small is because it's not one of those bucket lists where you just add random funny stuff for the sake of adding random funny stuff. No, believe me, I will not rest before I accomplish the few following items. here it is.

1. Order a happy meal with extra happy :) :)
2. Take a hobo to chuck-a-rama
3. Cry while performing the saxophone
4. Win a game of ERS (aka "slap," "Egyptian Rat Race/Screw")
5. Participate in a flash mob

And that's all I want to do with my life. If I accomplish those five things, I'll die happy.
True story.

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