Monday, July 9, 2012

Late for Work

It's my first day of work on the phones. No more training, I'm ready to be out tackling calls and helping our IPCs with whatever they need done! :) I have some time before work at 1, so Cambry and I are out doing something fun together.

Cambry and I drive through what looks a lot like Riverwoods. We must be in England or something, because she drives, but she's on the right side of the car. But it's no big deal because we're talking, laughing, and just having a good old time until I look at the clock and it reads 1:19.

You know that feeling of horrible dread, that just sweeps straight through your body and settles in the pit of your stomach? That feeling that makes your eyes go wide and your body start to shiver and say silly things like, "OH MY GOSH MY DAD'S GONNA KILL ME!!!"

Yep. That's what came over me just then. It was 1:19 and I was supposed to be at work 30 minutes ago. That's a problem.

So I frantically start talking to Cambry. "I have GOT to get to doterra! I am soo late, I don't know how that happened!" I scream. I have no idea what I was going to do, but next thing I know, I'm out of the car and sprinting for the doterra building.

At first when I get inside, I'm all disoriented. It looks like the inside of the Dixie Convention Center, and for some reason I have no idea where I'm going. I wander around for a bit before I realize I'm in the wrong place. I'm supposed to be at the call center, but here I am wandering around in the executives' building! I hurry and run for the exit to the building, but somehow I manage to get lost. All around me I see office memos asking everyone if they've seen me and my lipgloss. They know I didn't show for work, and now they're looking for me! I have to get to to work as fast as I can....

Finally I reach the edge of the building, where it suddenly drops off to a blackish-purple abyss. You know, like in video games and stuff, where you can jump off and the game "resets" you back to the start? Well I stared right into that blackish-purple abyss, and I thought to myself, "If I'm going to get to work, I'm going to have to jump."

Somehow I had it in my mind that I was going to reset once I jumped into an extremely strange and untrustworthy blackish-purple abyss. And as I took one last look around me, I flung myself off the edge and began screaming for my life.

Butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies. Oh, and complete and utter darkness.

Me, jumping off the building into the abyss of certain death. Minus the Mario Suit, mustache, and protective bubble.

I fell longer than I should have. I fell until the butterflies went away and all I could feel was a cushion of air around me as I spiraled to my doom. By then I realized that I had not "resetted" like I planned, and I was instead about to crash into the ground and die. I saw a vague image to the side of me. It grew larger and brighter as I began to focus, but everything was spinning. Why was everything spinning?

Just as I was thinking, "this is it.....!" and preparing myself for the afterlife, I opened my eyes.
My bedroom walls were there to greet me, welcoming me back from the scariest dream of my life.

I think I had to check the time three times before I actually believed that it was only a dream. :P

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