Thursday, July 12, 2012

Right Now 7/12 7:52 a.m.

It doesn't make sense for me to be so... disheveled. I feel like I'm all over the place, and it's only Thursday on what's supposed to be the clearest and smoothest week of the month!

I don't know what it is. I'm quickly irritated, prone to be snappy. I'm also probably stressed and irrational. I'm not thinking the most clearly, and my whole body is filled with some sort of anxiety or fear that kept me from falling asleep last night. My only guess at what could be is either work--it is my very first week on the phones, after all--or else it could be boys. My conscience is tugging at me and I can't figure out why, all of a sudden, it's freaking out on me.

Oh, guys, guess what? I got up at 7 today. Something must be wrong........ ;P

Well, enough of my pathetic ranting. In other news, I officially have a second job! I work at Summerhays all day on Saturdays. Accssories, boo yah! :D
(and don't get all *ooooohhhhh* on me there. I'm actually really excited about Summerhays, and it's not what's got me all strung up. :P)

Also, I went and saw Snow White and the Huntsman last night with Cambry and Sabrina. It was such a blast!! The three of us need to do things together more often. :) The movie was great, too, although it wasn't my favorite. Do you know what movie IS my favorite?????


And it's NOT just because I may or may not be totally in love with this handsome man.........

okay. maybe it is. ;)

I mean, come on.  Look at him! 

No, but seriously. Go see it.

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