Friday, June 29, 2012

Bear Lake!

For Cambry, Sabrina, and I, family vacation was long-awaited and joyfully received! The three of us had a fantastic time, along with my family, which was so gracious as to put up with us! The week was filled with fun times at the lake, hanging out at the cabin, hiking and biking, and plenty of you-just-HAD-to-be-there moments. From screaming about the moth infestation to laughing hysterically for no reason at all, a trip to Bear Lake was just what I needed!

Here are some highlights from the week:

Just arrived at the cabin!
Hot tubbing!!
Playing games at the cabin.
I have gorgeous best friends. Cambry looks like a beach model! :D

And here's Sabrina! Looking amazing, as always. :D
We're professionals.

"The King's Castle"

"Repunzel's Castle"

The "Evil" Castle
She's a superhero!
Just chillin' at the beach. :) Eating cookies.
Sabrina and Cambry out boating!
We rented a surrey!! :D fun fun fun

...and stopped for pictures!

Three besties
BFFs!! :D

On the count of three, turn around!!! (tNote the increasing levels of inappropriate "flaunt your butt"ness....  ;P)

The kids, just after biking

We visited Minnetonka Cave (as you can see) and it was WAY cool!

Just before the entrance

Our family

We're sorta crazy :)
And that's all! :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

"Can I Try Typing A Word?"

djfla;lsajf kfkljfijlkd ierolsdkfj ulskdvnjksdfhowerjvfnswjkeflewrsjkwheroifjsrkfjslrjfiof,hertowieoirhfselrtjkuihegruh34uitrhierjierhtuierhgfoiwerhtuiewroiqu4tgieyoirwueityuerityuirtyewuirtywieru3o4tuwi34yoi34ru234oiruoirui32o4rui34uoto5tuo25uti3hfqljerfui23uro

- Brayden

Hahahaha :D
In other news, I'm off to Bear Lake! Pictures might be coming eventually. If not, then more of my ranting! Hang loose!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Bucket List: Kissing Edition

Everyone needs a good bucket list. Whether it's some summer insanity, life goals, or things you just never get around to, bucket lists are where it's at. :D Me? You can go ahead and call me ambitious, because I've got bucket lists for everything. I even have a kissing edition!

1. Kiss in the rain
2. Kiss upside down
3. Kiss in midair
4. Kiss underwater
5. Kiss while riding a motorcycle
6. Kiss without turning your face (this one might be tricky)
7. Use Kisstixx while kissing ;)
8. Do the Spiderman/Jane inverted kiss
9. Kiss a completely random person at an unexpected moment
10. Kiss under the mistletoe,
11. Kiss in a tree

Friday, June 22, 2012

You've Got to Admire Their Spirit

My little brother's friends came to the door yesterday. They were selling artwork, so I bought this for a dollar:

In my opinion, a dollar well spent. =)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Untitled (Why can't words and titles come together?!)

I found my old writer's notebook today! All the way back from ninth grade.  Reading through it, I was surprised to find that I haven't changed. Not one bit. I mean, compared to now I had the same sorts of ideas, the same sorts of insecurities. Boys haven't changed much, and neither has time. In fact, I wonder if I was a better writer back then than I am now.

For example, I wrote this:

"Slowly, carefully, they unlocked the door. She peered inside--just glancing at first, but then eagerly searching for him in the darkness. Searching, until finally he emerged. Dirt covered his body--head to toe. He was too thin. The effects of years of mistreatment showed. His lips had curved themselves down into a scowl, abd Elle took a step forward, wondering if he could possibly be the same man. He certainly didn't look like it. She immediately recoiled. He isn't the one.

She began to turn away, but she caught one single glimpse of those unchanged eyes. Blue--deeper than oceans. They were the same. He was the same! She ran to him."

Also, my ideas are the same. Lately I've been thinking about writing something about this phenomenon, or at least I was until I found this:

"Sometimes when I read my past writing, or look at an old drawing or photo--I remember. I remember exactly where I was at the time, how I was feeling, and what was going on. As if a piece of time was captured and placed carefully between the pages of my notebook.

I was sitting crosslegged on the couch--wrapped up in a blanket and trying to absorb all the heat from the fireplace. I was writing, and I reread it and it took me back. I was sitting at my counter--drawing the mirror while everything around me went on. It's so weird--I'm taken aback even now, as I recall the time when... it just goes on and on."

And finally, my insecurities were obviously similar to what they are now. Is that because I haven't yet conquered them? Or is it more a matter of conquering one step at a time?

"It's weird--how come being a '4.0', 'top of the... what ever I am' is harder than just being normal? Everyone says I'm so lucky. I supposedly don't have to work too hard for anything. It all comes naturally. But if anyone was actually put in my shoes, they'd crumble from all the pressure. Of not being able to live up to the expectations I'm supposed to.

I'm not perfect--no one is. But why does everyone expect me to be so amazing all of the time? This is why I never raise my hand in English--I'm not always so brilliant. This is why I refuse to inprovise for jazz band--what if my solo isn't absolutely amazing? This is why I'm a little afraid of additional praise in anything--half the time I feel undeserving. Why can't I just be like everybody else?

I wish, for once in my life, I'd really have to work for something. I wish that when I walk into a classroom, I don't suddenly become the teacher's favorite or most 'special' student. I wish that people would stop comparing themselves to me, to their version of the 'perfect' student. Sometimes I wish I had none of these things... these 'talents.' But I guess they're a part of me, and I'd just be losing myself. It feels like I already have, though. Because of the pressure."

Back then, I suppose pressure was a big deal to me. It isn't so much now, and I think it's a little late to be saying I'm scared of soloing or being an academic. So maybe I have changed. Maybe I have matured a little. My handwriting's different--that says something. :)

I think way back then, my brain wasn't exploding so much. I wasn't so scattered and spread thin across all sorts of personalities and ideals of who I should and shouldn't be. I kinda miss those days. Things were uncomplicated, and though I don't wish I could go back, I0 do remenisce. We can thank my notebook for that. :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

We Like Work Parties

Okay, so I know I haven't talked much of summer thus far, but needless to say, it is absolutely WONDERFUL!! I've been having a blast messing around with friends and family, also with new gadgets and plans for college. Ya know! One of the highlights, though, has definitely been getting a JOB!!!

I am a working girl, everyone! I'm a customer service rep at doTERRA (where my dad works), and I love it so far! The people are incredible, and the environment is just so happy and positive, and it's a really great company to work for. I could go on and on, of course, but suffice it to say, my work is FANTASTIC!

One great thing about getting hired at doTERRA now, is that Cambry and I were invited to the company work party/family reunion we had tonight! They really went all out--food and drawings with prizes, inflatables, rock climbing, foam pits and giant "rubber bands." It was super fun! And even though we didn't know many people there, we still had a good time and even broke out of our shells a little bit. When we weren't entertained by all the little activities, we were entertained by ourselves. Oh, and the wind. 

Exhibit A:

Can I just say one thing? I LOVE having a best friend who will dance with me in random places, especially when bystanders pull out their phones and start taping!

hahahaha... well, later!
<3/Brittney :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Confession: Sometimes I Pretend I'm an Artist

Last night, I was going through all my old piano books in preparation for moving out. I sat pulling them out of shelves, and drawers, and piles on top of the piano. When I got to the cabinet, to my surprise I discovered my old eighth grade sketchbook! I took a drawing class that year (my only art class ever), and as a requirement we were supposed to turn in five sketches every Monday. The entire sketchbook was full of bottles of ketchup, Windex, various Christmas decorations, random furniture, and views of my house. There were also a few self-portraits. At the time I thought they looked just like me, but as I glanced over them for the first time since eighth grade, I thought to myself, "I could do so much better than this!"

Honestly, the thought came as a surprise to me. I haven't drawn since eighth grade. Not a single thing. Why, after four years, would I suddenly have the inspiration to do a self-portrait now? Drawing just isn't something I like to do--and besides, I can only draw what I see. Regardless, I found myself an hour later carefully sketching my profile using one of my senior pictures as a guide.

This morning, I finished.
And you know? It's not too bad! :) I can pretend that I'm an artist, but I also know that doesn't make me one! :D And I'm okay with that. :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I'm sorry, but these girls are just so cute! And way better and way more humble than the ones you see on America's Got Talent.

Basically, I love these two! And I'm obsessed with this song. Just thought you'd like to know. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

I Love My Sister :)

So there's this boy band called One Direction.

Maybe you've heard of them?

Supposedly they're these five hot guys from Britain (and Ireland! Don't you think I forgot!), and they sing a few good songs like What Makes You Beautiful and One Thing and I Should've Kissed You. They're all the craze these days, at least in the world of my little sister and all her friends and probably every other person she's ever met in her entire life.

They do things like sit at home on Friday night and watch One Direction's live tour DVD instead of going to Oremfest. And buy red skinny jeans, blue striped shirts and suspenders to wear at the 1D concert in July 2013 (!). Their typical afternoons are spent watching all the One Direction podcasts, updating their collective 1D facebook fan pages, and writing 17-page (and growing) fan fiction. 

Yes, you could say they're in love. 
And though it strikes me as silly, and sometimes it drives me crazy... I can't be too cynical. Because in church last Sunday, my sister gave me this:

I just had to smile. :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Right Now 6/3 9:41 p.m.

Who am I?
Sometimes I wonder.

Am I the girl everyone looks up to and aspires to? Who tops the graduating class and just has it all under control?

Or am I the girl who thinks too much and acts too little? Who stresses over little things? Who holds grudges and has nightmares about things that happened months ago?

Maybe I'm her, but what if I'm the girl who lives in fantasy and can't break away from daydreams? Who sings to herself when no one's listening? Who secretly thinks she is pretty and desirable, yet can't quite pin herself down?

At times I suppose I can be all of those girls. But me, Brittney, the person I am really? I don't think I've discovered her yet.

I want to be unique. I want to be genuine. I want to be funny, and happy, and someone people can relate to. I'm tired of people looking at me and seeing the valedictorian, the girl with the 4.0 who takes a million AP classes. I'm tired of people thinking I have superhuman musical abilities or an "I'm cooler than you" sort of attitude. I don't like people seeing me for what I can do and what I've accomplished rather that who I AM and who I'm NOT. My talents don't define me. I just don't know what DOES.

Who am I?
Maybe one day I'll figure it out.

By the way, I found this today.
I think I'm going to hang this on my bedroom wall.