Thursday, February 24, 2011

Backlog: Day 3

So the idea behind this Daily Blog Challenge was to do it daily, but I just have to laugh and say, Sorry! I've been busy!

Day 3: Your idea of the type of guy you want to marry.

So, this is kind of interesting, because when I started writing this post, I made a list. A HUGE list of all the qualities or personality traits I want my future husband to have. I realized, though, that such a list is unrealistic. I can' t marry superman, and I definately can't be superwoman. A lengthy description never turns out to be quite correct, anyway. Here are the most basic qualifications I could come up with:

1. His hobbies, talents, virtues, and behaviors must be combatable with my own so that we my edify each others' interests and abilities so as to draw closer together continually.
2. He must be a return missionary.
3. He must be, or be striving to become, fully converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and live its teachings.
4. He must have absolute devotion to the Lord first, then to me, then to our family, and always be concerned about our welfare spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

And that's it.

The great thing about this list is that it's not horribly complicated, but it fits the bill perfectly. With this, I can evaluate any potential spouse under the sun, but if he does not meet the qualifications, no problem. I simply won't marry him.

And that is that.

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