Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Highlight Reel

Well, guys, we made it. Grades are final and graduation is upon us! And I've been meaning to do this for a while, and I just thought here's as good a place as any to share it. :) I realize not many people will get the jokes or remember those times, but for me, and for Cambry, and for many of our friends, these three years at Orem High really were filled with some great times worth remembering.

Now, let's take all the fun times and go rock the Y! :D But before that, here comes the Highlight Reel (:

Sophomore Year Highlights
- I made the All-State Jazz Band! (which is sorta a big deal when you're just a sophomore)
- Group of friends?: Cambry, Nick, David, Jason, Hunter, Tom, Kolten, Tyson
- Dominating the Honors English debate blog
- Hanging out in the cross hall by my locker during lunch
- Busting a move in front of Jackson, unintentionally
- The impromptu play by David and Tom, that one day outside
- The day David and Jason climbed the giant dirt pile and attempted to do par kour off the building.
- Riding the bus back and forth to Mountain View every day for Spanish 4
- Studying like crazy for APUSH
- The SASSY 7!
- Boy Scouts!!! [i.e. the Sassy 7 (the 7 girls in jazz band) trying to scout out all the cute boys at jazz festivals, and pretty much everywhere else]
- That HUGE crush I had on JPHB......... :D :D :D :D (I still think we're going to get married. For reals.)
- Mr. Summers shaking my hand and saying, "you're in"
- Playing for concerto night
- Wearing sombreros during an after school band rehearsal
- "Bandmasta Summers!"
- My surprise 16th birthday party
- "OHS Jazz Band takes over the world, take 5"
- Touring the new school while being pushed on a cart :)

Junior Year Highlights
- Dan Metro moved in!
- HUUUUGE group of friends at our lunch spot. (Officially dubbed the "bandies")
- BAND TOUR. (Nuff said.)
- The let's-pretend-to-play-instruments-we-don't-really-play game in the band room.
- Lucky Unders
- Winning reflections 2011
- Moviepartymoviepartymovieparty.......... can we hold hands?
- Les Mis pit orchestra (dancing in the lockers!)
- Spring Break texting, like, the whole time
- Music theory battles with Mr. Keyes
- project ME
- JAZZ RETREAT (and playing Scum 24/7)
- Nerd battling with Dan. And keeping score. And winning. :D
- Hiking the Y
- Taking physics with Mr. Clark. Still my favorite class, by far.
- Straight I's at State Band!
- Going to the Jon Schmidt concert over the summer

Senior Year Highlights
- "Brain waves? IN PHASE!"
- Getting accepted to BYU
- Becoming a music major (audition day!)
- Playing with the Utah Wind Symphony
- Val.E.Dic.Tor.I.An.
- Marching Band trip to St. George
- that one time me and Cam and Dan hung out :)
- Winning STATE Basketball
- "It's not gonna happen... IT'S GONNA HAPPEN!"
- Music Sterling Scholar
- All State Jazz/Band/Honor Band
- Mr. Downs' first kiss story
- Afternoons in the park
- Falling asleep in Financial Lit
- Swing dancing through Jazz Band
- The most epic, amazing Jazz concert of ALL TIME
- Graduation!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Attempted to do Parkour? If my memory serves me right, it WAS do parkour ;)
