Sunday, May 27, 2012

Earning Thank-Yous

Let's face it, I'm not always the happiest helper. Sometimes I secretly roll my eyes or mutter under my breath when a classmate asks me to do something. Sometimes I grumble and put forth half-effort when someone asks me to help. And sometimes even as I do these things, I seem to be fine with how things are.

But when it comes time to hear the other person say, "thank you," it really makes me feel bad. My half-hearted efforts are rewarded with full-hearted "thank you,"s, and it doesn't seem fair to me. It makes me feel like I should have done MORE, I should have EARNED the thank you's I received. Instead of grumbling or muttering or rolling my eyes, I should have smiled and worked and tried! Next time I'll do better. Next time I'll earn my thank you.

Consider it a favor. :)

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