Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Secret to Why Things Happen

Whether it's positive envisionment, a stir of imagination, a placebo, a belief, or a daydream, there is a definite power in believing something is real.

The same way kisses can heal bruised knees and a sugar pill can cure disease, faith can accomplish anything.

This is one of my most fundamental beliefs about the gospel, about the universe. I believe that fate is real, and that humans can influence fate by the power of their faith. For some unknown reason, a hope in something not yet done can turn that thing into reality.

Take The Wright Brothers, for example. Until their time, no one had been able to sustain flight. The idea was believed impossible, taken from centuries and centuries of trying, of philosophers faintly hoping. Until Orville and Wilbur Wright came along, man had not known the sky. But these two brothers believed they could fly. They believed they could invent an airplane. They believed that though their first few attempts may fail, they would eventually achieve flight, and a union of man with the sky.

Take Columbus as another example. In 1492, the world was believed to be flat, and Columbus was ridiculed for believing that the world was round, even though all science observed otherwise. And yet he still believed that the world was round--enough to risk his life on a journey across the ocean to prove his belief. And because of his faith, we find ourselves here in America, in the promised land, where we might not have been otherwise, until someone at some point had had the faith, belief, and courage to discover it.

There are many more examples like these throughout history. General Washington and the American colonists believed they could win the Revolutionary War and form their own country. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that one day, African Americans would secure equal rights in this great country of America. Thomas Edison believed that if he tried enough times, he would find a filament to light an electric light bulb, and eventually, to light the world.

All these people had one thing in common: they each believed despite the improbable, even the impossible, and they used faith to accomplish what they did. Was that coincidence? Was that getting lucky with fate? No--that was planned, intended, and purposeful. History attests to countless times where faith has been the explanation for some great phenomenon. So wouldn't it make sense for faith to accomplish some small phenomenon?

In my life, there have been times where the simplest of things have happened simply because I had the faith to believe they would. A friend's text. A performance opportunity. An aced test. A green light. Someone's smile. The smallest things can be manipulated just as well as the largest ones, and even more often than sometimes we'd like to think.

Faith is real. It is not by coincidence that we each have the power to dream, to dare to imagine, to have firm belief and hope that something might happen. We are meant to exercise our faith as a tool to accomplish our daily tasks, from the smallest thing to our biggest life-long goals. 

So never brush away the hope that something good might happen. Never second-guess yourself, because even if it doesn't work out like you wanted it to, the universe still responded to your faith. Heavenly Father still answered your prayer. 

So keep dreaming. Keep believing. Keep having faith, because therein lies the secret to life, the universe, and everything.

Take it from the girl who knows that dreams come true. :)

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