Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Lesson I'll Learn

Something good to live by.

That last one is the hardest for me, I think. 

Sometimes I think I'm a superhero. I think I change anything, that there is always something to be done, that any situation can be fixed with enough Prayer Power and Dream Drive. But one of the hardest lessons I'll have to learn in this life, is that sometimes, things really are out of my hands. I can't change how people think or decide how people feel. I can't affect what people do or decide how someone will react. All I can do is limited to the strength of my own two hands and feet, and so when something comes up that I desperately hope and wish to happen or change, but that is absolutely outside of my bubble of influence, I have to learn to let it go. To free myself of the guilt of not being able to do anything, to fix everything. To be okay with standing quietly by the side as that moment passes, as that something rises or falls. To feel peaceful about the way life progresses, no matter how hectic things may seem. To accept God's will instead of my own. To let it go.

Just a while ago I posted about how we really can influence fate; how we really can change anything by the power of faith. It is one of my fundamental beliefs about life, but I understand that there is a difference between the words "everything" and "anything." We can't change anything about everything. But we can always change something about everything. Whether it is directly the thing itself, or us. We may not always be able to change the way someone is treating us, or the feelings between friends. We may not always be able to mend broken relationships or heal bad attitudes. But we can change how WE feel, think, and act. We can change our minds. Our feelings. Our actions. There is always something to be done, and sometimes the only thing we can do is to let go. It isn't giving up, it is gaining a new hope in things out of our hands. 

One of these days I'll learn that lesson. It may take a week, or a month, or even a lifetime, but I will learn it. 
Until then, I'll just laugh when I can, apologize when I need to, and do my best to let go of the things I can't change.


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