Thursday, January 3, 2013

Priceless Resolutions

I've never been big on New Year's Resolutions. Not because I have some complex with the idea of striving for a goal for an entire year with the possibility and reality of failure staring me in the face, but because I just don't think about it. I've never really wanted to sit down and write some New Year's Resolutions, but today I feel differently.

In retrospect, 2012 was a great year for me. It held so many exciting firsts and thrilling moments. It held love and it held heartbreak, it held the excitement of graduating and moving out, my first semester at BYU. It held a variety of different learning experiences and so many priceless moments I can't even count.

I hope 2013 will be even bigger. I'll be continuing with another semester, playing in Synthesis and touring to Brazil, turning in my papers and going on a mission--it will be my first Christmas away from home but yet the experience of a lifetime. I will grow so much. And that growth will mean more than any accomplishment of 2012. The years just keep getting better.

And so, without further ado, Goals I have for 2013: ("resolutions," if you will. Guys this is big, and a first)

* Continually strive to become the woman my future husband wants to marry
* No wallowing in self-pity.
* "Wherever you are, be there."
* Give it my all.
* Give Him my all in service

And finally, my motto for 2013:
don't just have priceless moments, be priceless.

Let's do this.

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