Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hearts Move Forward

Hearts can only go in one direction, and that direction is FORWARD. They can't reverse or change their course on their way to a specific destination. They can't slow down or stop as they approach what they're set on. Though sometimes they can wander, given enough time, your heart will always find somewhere to go.

Sometimes our hearts move us toward things or people or events that are really painful. And though you wish you could take it back, retrace a few steps, you can't. As hearts can only move forward, the only way to move your heart away from something painful is to move it toward something else. Whether that is a person, a concept, a gospel principle, or a state of being, your heart can set its course on whatever or whoever you choose.

And whether that's a curse or a comfort, I don't quite know yet. It's up to you, I guess. It could depend on the situation. All I know is that it's important to set your heart in pursuit of the right things or the right events or the right someone, so as to keep you moving forward along with that pesky little heart of yours that likes to not only move forward, but run full speed ahead. :) One direction, folks. That's what we signed up for.

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