Monday, December 24, 2012

Weirder Than Yours.

The following is a record of a super weird dream I had last night. No judging.


So it all started in my bedroom. I was technically in Wyview, but my room looked just like home in Orem. One night, a strange lady came in while I was sleeping, woke me, and informed me that I was her captive and that I had to turn my alarm clock forward every morning before I left for the day, and not disfigure the apartment in any way, or else she would "come for me."

So I did so. Except the next morning when I set my alarm clock forward an hour, I tried doing it in the dark and was pushing all sorts of buttons. It turned on some music, which eventually I stopped, but behind the bookcases just outside my room, something was repeating the music I had accidentally played. I ran upstairs, hoping the echo didn't penetrate walls, but it did. So I ran.

Me, Brianna, Bradley, and Brevin ran outside to a large field. No where to go, no clue what to do. This witch lady who had made me her "captive" had apparently made the planet Earth her captive as well, and she was draining all the colors from our world. As Bri, Brad, Brevs and I stood in the open field, gaping at the damage the witch was doing and becoming frightened that she was taking over the world, suddenly an old man appeared, and said,

"Hello, I'm the Doctor!" in a British accent.

The old man proceeded to use his sonic screwdriver to make a long trapeze bar appear just in front of us, and so one at a time we each grabbed the bar, flung ourselves under and up, did a couple backflips, and landed just beside The Doctor.

Then the scene changed. The Doctor, Brev, Brad, and I were on bikes, with Brianna walking beside, in the North complex of Wyview. We were headed to south Wyview where The Doctor lived,  and headed there quick before the witch could get us. We rode to the Wyview gates and turned South. But Bradley got there too long before the rest of us and had turned the wrong way. We never saw him again.

Brianna, Brevin, I and The Doctor continued on our way to his apartment. We passed the multipurpose building, which was a "safe place," from the witch. I made note of where it was, and made note of the small tunnel covered in leaves standing just beside. We never actually made it to The Doctor's apartment.

Instead, I was determined to teach Brevin the path from my apartment to the safe place, in case he wanted to play there by himself. On his bike, I gave him directions to the other side of the tunnel, told him to stash his bike inside, then make a dash for the building. When he went, however, he peeked through the vines and saw a bunch of rowdy teenagers right there. He dashed out of the tunnel and hid behind a tree, but the teens (who were apparently working for the witch), saw him. He got on his bike and pedaled away, eventually outrunning them. This is where Brevin discovered that he had a special ability--while the witch could drain colors, Brevin could put them all back!

Before he could do so, however, the scene changed again. I was at North Wyview again, and my mom and I were set up at a small cardboard table in the middle of the sidewalk. We were doing crafts. We were using scarves and dummy heads as models to make hats. In the course of our crafting, we needed some safety pins. I remembered that I had a bunch of safety pins in the backseat of my car from when I took all the silly bows off my homemade ugly sweater. I ran to my car to collect them.

It took me several trips. On the last one, a bunch of teenagers (also rowdy, but not evil) had pulled up in their cars on both sides of me. Just to my left, however, was a sea-foam green car that was totalled, and teenagers were using another car to repeatedly ram into the backside of the totalled car. I did not want them to hit me by accident, so I pulled up my sassy pants and told the girl in charge that she needed to move her car out of the way so I could move MY car to the other side of the street, away from the gang party. She rolled her eyes but complied, saying it's only "hitting something that's not moving."

As if to prove her point, when I was backing out, she decided to stand right behind my car so I would hit her. I did so. Just to be a brat, and I stuck out my tongue at her as I finished backing out and drove over to the other side of the street. I pulled up right next to a cross-dressing football team having a pizza party.

I jumped out of my car, prepared to apologize and possibly get in a fist fight with the girl I hit, and that is exactly where my dream ended, and I woke up.



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