Monday, June 4, 2012

I Love My Sister :)

So there's this boy band called One Direction.

Maybe you've heard of them?

Supposedly they're these five hot guys from Britain (and Ireland! Don't you think I forgot!), and they sing a few good songs like What Makes You Beautiful and One Thing and I Should've Kissed You. They're all the craze these days, at least in the world of my little sister and all her friends and probably every other person she's ever met in her entire life.

They do things like sit at home on Friday night and watch One Direction's live tour DVD instead of going to Oremfest. And buy red skinny jeans, blue striped shirts and suspenders to wear at the 1D concert in July 2013 (!). Their typical afternoons are spent watching all the One Direction podcasts, updating their collective 1D facebook fan pages, and writing 17-page (and growing) fan fiction. 

Yes, you could say they're in love. 
And though it strikes me as silly, and sometimes it drives me crazy... I can't be too cynical. Because in church last Sunday, my sister gave me this:

I just had to smile. :)

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