Tuesday, July 12, 2011

EFY Pictures

Thank goodness for facebook! :) Here are some photos of my week at EFY.
First is my company:

Company counselors, Amanda, Ashley, and Aaron. Amanda was my counselor, on the left.

Our boys

My counselor group girls. :) From the left: Taylor, Shelby, Sabrina, Brittney, Amanda (our counselor), Lacey, Aly L., Elyssa, Aly C. :D Love those girls!

On Wednesday, we have game night. One of the activities is creating a banner and cheer for your company. Here's our macho We-Shall-Hunt circle.

More cheering.

Taylor and Shelby rocked our banner.

A cool pic from game night.

There were also two dances at EFY. One on Tuesday, and another on Friday. Vanessa edited this awesome dance action pic:

Here's me and Sabrina with Elyssa. Again, My camera broke, so I didn't get many pictures with individuals. Still, I like this one. :)

One of my favorite people I met at EFY. Cute Landon.

On Friday we did a service project, writing thank you cards to important people in our lives and also to different departments and companies that made EFY possible. Thank you!

Alright, onto Vanessa's amazingness. She is a great photographer, and she posted some alternative pictures I REALLY like. All credit goes to her, I just wanted to share these because, well, they're awesome. Simple as that.

Here are some favorite ties we saw on Thursday:

And a beautiful daisy native to our company spot:

I don't know where this is, but it's gorgeous. Trisha would say it's romantic <3

Apparently someone threw his friend's tennis shoes into the telephone lines. Makes for a great picture, wouldn't you say?

And finally, an EFY marker flag. Overall I'd say I had a great time at EFY. I met some neat people, had some spiritual experiences. I'm glad I went

And that's all I have! :)

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