Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Right Now 6/1 5:38 a.m.

This morning I woke up at 4:54. And could not for the life of me go back to sleep.

I don't know if it was an insomnia attack, or if I'm just not used to sleeping so well. Last night was the third night in a row I slept with all the lights off, including my lamp, and I discovered--or at least I think I discovered, because I really don't know for sure--that I sleep better with no lights on. That would then explain why I woke up so early: I woke up when I got my normal amount of rest, but in a shorter time than usual.

Also, I've been thinking. If you could call it thinking. It's not really anything, actually, it's just... well, let's say this:

I'm in high school. Therefore, nothing makes sense.

I guess that's true of life in general, though. Nothing ever makes sense. Is it supposed to? I don't think so. If we understood everything, we wouldn't be here, making mistakes and forging ahead in life. So in a way, it's good that nothing makes sense. It's also annoying, but good.

On to other things... school is almost out!! Two days. Two. Including today. And there's graduation, which the band is playing at, and then it's all over!

I have to admit, I'm a little sad. I'm going to miss my seniors: Jessica, and Kito, and Dallin, and Stevo, and everyone else. I'm also going to miss our lunch spot.

Speaking of which... hahaha.... "We sit HERE!!! Every. Single. Day." (Made my life)

Anyway. Even with the changes, senior year is going to be a blast. I'll be in MB (ooh scary, the impenetrable unknown...), Jazz Band (we'll have VETERAN saxophones... yes!!), Wind Symphony, AP English Language, AP Chemistry, Statistics (not exactly excited about that), and LUNCH. Funny, I never thought lunch would be my favorite part of the school day, with me loving the academics and all. But seriously... it must be my friends, who are amazing and I love spending time with them. It's a party.

Also: say hello to my new favorite saying. Which I haven't actually got to say yet, but I'll find a way:
"I just had a little party with myself..."

Yeah, okay, it sounds dorkier when I write it out like that, but trust me, it's going to be amazing. :)

So... I think I'm done ranting. I wasn't really ranting about anything, though, just killing some time. It's now an acceptable hour to go shower and get ready for school... Thank goodness for time-killers.


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