Monday, November 1, 2010

You Will Not Be Missed

Dear Drama,

As far as I've understood it, you and I have had a shun-shun relationship for some time now: I ignore you, you ignore me. That was the deal.

But since entering high school, I've found that it's much too difficult to stick with the program. No offense, but High School reeks of you. You're everywhere, and it makes everything so much more complicated--I can't even have a normal conversation with my best friends without having to deal with a little of you. This has got to stop. Don't take it personally, but get the heck out of my life. I'm sorry, but it's over. We're done. Kindly remove yourself from my presence.

Oh, and while you're busy packing up, be a dear and get out of my friends' lives as well. They don't need any of your "products" (rumors). None of your yearly "specials" (prom drama). I bet you anything they don't even want your ad stickers (any high school relationship) floating around the school. Please.

I don't mean to be harsh, but this is the way it's got to be. I feel bad our earlier arrangement didn't work out, but honestly--how long can you ignore someone without eventually stepping on their toes?

Drama, it's done. Please take it and face the fact that Orem High is a lost cause. And if you find you have too much room in your schedule after this, go and bother the politicians for crying out loud! They love you! Just don't ever think to come back, and we're all good.

Thanks so much for understanding. You're a rotten peach.

'Till never,


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