Thursday, February 24, 2011

Backlog: Day 3

So the idea behind this Daily Blog Challenge was to do it daily, but I just have to laugh and say, Sorry! I've been busy!

Day 3: Your idea of the type of guy you want to marry.

So, this is kind of interesting, because when I started writing this post, I made a list. A HUGE list of all the qualities or personality traits I want my future husband to have. I realized, though, that such a list is unrealistic. I can' t marry superman, and I definately can't be superwoman. A lengthy description never turns out to be quite correct, anyway. Here are the most basic qualifications I could come up with:

1. His hobbies, talents, virtues, and behaviors must be combatable with my own so that we my edify each others' interests and abilities so as to draw closer together continually.
2. He must be a return missionary.
3. He must be, or be striving to become, fully converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and live its teachings.
4. He must have absolute devotion to the Lord first, then to me, then to our family, and always be concerned about our welfare spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

And that's it.

The great thing about this list is that it's not horribly complicated, but it fits the bill perfectly. With this, I can evaluate any potential spouse under the sun, but if he does not meet the qualifications, no problem. I simply won't marry him.

And that is that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 2 and A Look Into My Mind

A Look Into My Mind

[Email sent: February 9, 2011]

I don't know why I'm sending you this. But I love this poem. For me, it hits right to the core of every internal battle I've been fighting since I learned how to think, back in the summer of 9th grade. I've decided I need to be bold. But every time I go for it, I shrink. I keep thinking the time for choice is ahead, when really, it is now. But actually, I don't know for sure. I don't know anything for sure. Since 9th grade I transformed myself into a go-with-my-flow girl. I let fate run its course. If it happens, it happens: this is the philosophy I live by. When will I sit down and realize that I need to make a decision?

It just occurred to me... perhaps why the same argument keeps coming back and back and back and back and back in my mind. It is because it is important. Some part of my future will be determined by a choice or choices I do or do not make now. But which way to choose? What is my choice?

I am a deep-sea fish, I've decided. I live under an extreme amount of pressure, but I think I'd rather see light. With every argument, indecision, procrastination, or imagination I put myself under more pressure. I have made myself into someone who defines the world around me by placing weights in my pack. I think I need to carry them all, all the time, because I never feel like I can find the "right spot" to place them. This is my whole problem.

This probably makes no sense to you. But I've realized that when I have a bunch of bottled-up thoughts, emotions, and ideas, I need to let them out. When I write about them, or think about them, or role play them, however, the pressure just grows. I need to export my ideas. And that means clicking "send."

But anyway. I genuinely want to put something into place within my core drivers of work and attitude. I need to be bold. I need to commit. The problem is what, and how, and when, and all those other details. Maybe... maybe that's not important, though. I'm positive that there is no one way to live my life. I may have a roadmap, that is, the scriptures, prayer, etc.; but I do not have step-by-step directions on how to get where I'm going. Maybe that's the point. I'm waiting at a four-way stop, trying to decide which way to turn, the cars behind me honk impatiently as if I've been stalling there forever, (which i have), and I still can't seem to make a decision. One day that needs to stop. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. But I have hesitency. My plan of action will thus be the destroy-hesitancy plan. Until then I have yet to think and decide. And be bold.

[end of email]

I have made a decision. After months (years, more likely) of turmoil, I am now one step closer to understanding my future. I feel the need to announce it in case I change my mind, so...

I will graduate from BYU with a B.A. in Saxophone Performance and Pedagogy

Thinking about it, it doesn't seem so life-changing, but that usually means it is. I now have a direction, via inspiration, of where to place my emphasis in future music study. I decided after school solo/ensemble that I do have a gift for classical playing. I also have a gift for saxophone playing. Someone upstairs must have helped me combine the two to create a future.

I'm still a little confused about where to put my jazz playing. I think maybe I'll try out for Legacy Band or something at BYU. Still debating over Super Band. I guess I have a little while to decide, and if that decision is anything like my recent one, I'll need some kind of experience(s) to base it on. Hopefully that will come during the next year. I have no doubt it will, after all, I've already taken the first step. I have been bold in my decision to decide a major before I'm accepted to the university. I will continue to be bold as I make other upcoming decisions. Luckily I have amazing parents--earthly and spiritual--who will guide me in this process.

Until then--B.A. in classical Sax, brace yourself! I'm coming.

Oh--and before I forget (actually, it's the reason I'm even posting)...

Day 2: A photo of a person(s), place, and thing that you love.

My beautiful instrument. (We'll be spending a lot of time together in college). :D

My AMAZING family.

The temple I would love to be married in. :) : )

Monday, February 21, 2011

DBC intro and Day 1

I am a major stalker. Okay, well... technically facebook's the stalker, since it's the one that led me to that person that led me to that blog that linked me to that blog... or, since, I'm controlling the mouse, does that mean I'm the stalker? Either way, I stole this

Daily Blog Challenge

From a friend of a student I don't know at Orem High. Creepy, right? But whatever. I'm bored of not being able to express myself--sometimes thoughts are so stubborn!

Here's how it goes:

Day 1: A picture of youself and a description of the most creative thought you entertained that day.

... okay, so I might've changed it a little. As the criminal, I reserve the right to intentionally desecrate, moderate, or otherwise mutate the objects in question. Of itself, change is not a crime. I will therefore proceed to add some personality into my Daily Blog Challenges. Don't like it? Deal.

Now, here's the sad part... I meant to post this yesterday. But, I believe in repentence! And efficiency! So I will proceed to post DAY 1 in addition to the intro to my new little project.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Day 1: A picture of youself and a description of the most creative thought you entertained that day.

Voila. So pretty. On to the interesting stuff.

I didn't "think" all that much today.... well, comparatively. I usually think a lot more than other people do, which can be a blessing or a curse, depending on the day. But that's not the point. Here's how I lay it down for today:

As I was running home from Young Womens, I passed a group of Young Men and their leaders returning to the church. As we approached each other, one of the leaders to the time to say, "Hi, Brittney." I suddenly felt flooded with happiness. Excitement, almost. Someone called me by name.

I know, I know. Silly thing to get excited about, but think about it! I have a name, and people know it. As if that's not cool enough (remember: there is beauty in simplicity), attached to that name is a person.


Along with all my other quirks, flaws, talents, abilities, strengths, shortcomings, and sarcastic attitudes. The name is mine, and on that topic: Juliet is wrong.

What's in a name? is the famous phrase. Enough with the roses, in a name lies a person. You, or me, or him, or her. A living, breathing soul with a living, breathing name. Here Juliet goes wrong, in that by any other name, that person would not be himself. A name reflects you, represents you, then becomes you. You are the name. She is Jann. He is Bradley. I am Brittney. And though another rose could smell sweeter, no other name could as accurately represent the person I am, have been, and will become.

Anyone else feel the urge to climb a tree and shout their name for joy? I do.

If any one thought was worth my notice today, it would be that I am Brittney!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

P.S. We did this poem thing in English, where we cut out a whole bunch of "poetic words." As a class, we didn't really know what to do, but I had a blast cutting apart magazines, gathering some 100 or so words (!). Today we finally used them in a poem. Mine went something like this:

This madness staring, captures
my memories and sets them ablaze.

what prestige, to journey into

A new dynamic
sounds, and I discover
a rhapsody of flavor and color
as I awaken from a blazing

I don't know. I kind of liked it. Enough to post it, that is. But I wouldn't recommend trying to think about it. It's one of those, this-sounds-deep-but-really-doesn't-mean-anything-poems. Whatever. Wrote it in five minutes (thank you self! The plethora of words to choose from helped greatly). Anyway.